The Story Behind Social Puffin…

Well we’re building up a nice collection of blog posts and followers here on Social Puffin, which is why we thought it was about time we really introduced ourselves and gave you guys some background info about where we’ve come from, what we’re doing and where we’re headed, so let’s jump straight in…

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The Beginning of Social Puffin

Social Puffin Icon

Well hi there!

I’m going to introduce myself straight off the bat and say a warm welcome from Steph, the founder of Social Puffin and the one whose best poised here to bring you this info about where Social Puffin all began.

Weeeeell…. Social Puffin began back in 2018 when, on the back of my travel blog Big World Small Pockets, I was approached by a couple of travel companies who wanted help with their social media.

I launched Social Puffin to accommodate this new strand of my business, but it really was secondary to my rapidly-growing travel blog.

At that time, I’d just taken the final step into fulltime blog work to accelerate the encouraging traction the blog was already getting, and Social Puffin sat well alongside this.

And this is because it utilised skills I’d already been using (and using very successfully) for the previous 3 years to grow Big World Small Pockets from a concept incubated in a Land Rover deep in Australia’s Northern Territory into a fully-blown, profitable online business.

The Story of Big World Small Pockets

Steph Parker

Yes from humble beginnings, Big World Small Pockets has taken me on a quite a journey!

Started when I lived in Australia, on exactly zero budget, I held tight to the dream that one day, travel blogging would become my fulltime job.

With a background in writing and the arts however, it was certainly an uphill struggle and my lack of knowledge surrounding just about anything technical, meant there were a lot of hurdles to surmount!

When I began BWSP in 2015, I’d never even been on Twitter, let alone heard of Instagram, SEO, affiliate marketing or any of the hundreds of other concepts and strategies I was to come to know in-depth.

And so I embarked on a massive learning journey.

Yes for almost 3 years I read, learnt, took courses, researched, trialed and tested as much as I could as I propelled the blog forward closer to my dream.

By spring 2017, Big World Small Pockets had enough of a standing in the industry, and was generating enough of an income, for me to go part-time at my regular job and by autumn 2017, I was ready to make the leap into the fulltime, professional blogging world.

And I have not looked back since!

Indeed Big World Small Pockets has gone on to accrue a following of over 80,000+ social media users, as well as 50,000+ blog readers per month, which equates to roughly 200,000 page views per month.

At the end of 2019, Big World Small Pockets was voted the British Travel Blog of the Year at the British Travel Awards – and yes I got to attend a very swanky ceremony in London and collect my award in front of hundreds of industry leaders.

It was a good night!

Social Puffin Takes Flight

Social Puffin, Subscriber, List

Which leads me back to Social Puffin.

Through my journey with Big World Small Pockets, I’d accrued so much knowledge about social media and digital marketing that it felt ridiculous not to be sharing this experience and information with others.

After all, I’d built a hugely successful online business from nothing – literally!

In the early days there was certainly no money behind Big World Small Pockets and I simply used to bang out blog posts on my friend’s laptop in the back seat of a 4WD!

Having had this experience and attained success, I thought I might be in a good position to help other small businesses, with low budgets and even lower amounts of resources, time or knowledge, do the same.

If it was possible for me, it was certainly possible for them and if I could help somebody else achieve their dreams, then I felt passionate about doing that.

In the beginning, Social Puffin was focused on helping other companies in the travel sphere, but when I started to see the same techniques helping other start-ups and small businesses in different industries, I knew it was time to branch out.

And so it was, amidst 2020’s lockdown drama, that I relaunched Social Puffin with the aim to help more small businesses and start-ups who might be struggling in this pandemic climate and looking to shift up a gear in the growing online space.

For as we all know, online presence and growth has become more important in this covid-period than ever before.

In short, our aim here at Social Puffin is to help local and independent companies dive into digital marketing and come up swimming, just like our puffin friends!

Now there’s a team of us pufflings, all with our own online businesses and digital marketing experience, working to help clients across several different industries smash it on social media!

As our website says, we offer low cost and flexible solutions to help you get ahead online. Our practical approach means we keep things simple and easy to implement.

Yes, we’re certainly all about a no fuss, no nonsense approach here at Social Puffin; simply dedicated to delivering real strategies that work and that can be deciphered and understood by all.

From the full monthly management of social media output to platform-specific consultation sessions to creating fully aligned SEO content for your website, we hope to cover all the bases a small business might need because we know, from deep personal experience, that when you’re starting out, keeping as much as possible to a minimum is key.


Laptop, Handshake

And so that’s where we’re at today.

If you feel like we might be able to help you, then don’t hesitate to get in touch using the contact from on our homepage or by emailing us on info{at}

Otherwise, please stop by our social media channels and take a look – there’s tons of free tips there too, including our “digital marketing hacks in under 5 minutes” episodes which get released weekly via IGTV.

We hope you find them useful, but if there’s a topic you’re keen to learn about that we haven’t yet covered, please drop your suggestions into the comments box below and we’ll get straight on it!